
Grandma’s secret recipe!


1 cup oatmeal (either quick oats soaked in milk 1minute, or old fashion soaked overnight)
1 cup milk
juice of 1 lemon
½ cup orange juice
2 unpeeled apples, grated
2 oranges, sliced
2 pears, grated
handful of raisins
slivered nuts



Mix everything together!

Lemon-Berry Trifle

Yet again, Laurie has outdone herself. She whipped up a beautiful lemon berry trifle! The lemon curd she used in this recipe is quite simply to die for. You just want to keep eating it. And eating it. And eating it. Which is what we did!


1 vanilla bean cake (in a 10 in springform pan)
2/3 cup of raspberry preserves
2 cups of heavy whipping cream
2 cups of Lemon Curd
1/2 cup of sliced strawberries with 1 tsp of sugar


Homemade Ice Cream

The base is the same regardless, but you have some options when it comes to the sweetener that goes with the flavor. If you don’t want to use sugar (we try not to!)  we  suggest agave nectar or succanat, depending on the flavor you choose. Succanat has more of a molasses taste to it, so we wouldn’t recommend it for the lemon ice cream, but it would be great if you wanted to make cinnamon ice cream or something more substantial like chocolate.

For our first try we decided to do lemon and strawberry & banana. The lemon came out very lemony (which we like!) and the strawberry banana was a perfectly smooth end of summer flavor.

Ice Cream Base

4 egg yolks
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon zantham gum
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup half and half
1 1/2 cup heavy cream

Lemon Flavor

finely grated zest of 3 lemons
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
2/3 cup agave nectar
or 3/4 cup succanat or 3/4 cup sugar

Strawberry/Banana Flavor

1 pint of strawberries
1 banana
1/3 cup agave or 1/2 cup succanat or 1/2 cup sugar
