We found this recipe in a book compiled by Gwen Steege titled The Search for the Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie. We both love molasses and all the spices traditionally associated with that flavor and the oatmeal seemed to at least add the idea of health to the cookie. We got off to a rough start, resulting in a recipe that has been (accidentally) modified from the original version, though mostly just in the ratios, not the ingredients themselves.
For the flour we used a mixture of whole wheat flour, whole wheat pastry flour and unbleached flour (it was one of those bottom of the bags day!). Flavor- and texture-wise we both really like these cookies, but think the oatmeal isn’t really necessary. Though we both also agree that we like the Soft Molasses Cookies better!
And yes, you can expect more variations on chocolate chip cookies as we pursue the perfect chocolate chip cookie!
3 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter
2 eggs
1/2 cup blackstrap molasses
1 cup quick oats
1 cup chocolate chips
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